Monday, June 18, 2012

Lease Family

In April I set a goal for myself to reach 100 likes on my Facebook page by May 1st. I was offering a free mini shoot or 50% off a full shoot to one of the wonderful people who helped me to reach my goal if I hit that 100 likes by May 1st.

On May 2nd I had the privelage of announcing that Anne Marie Lease a long time friend and former co-worker had won. Anne Marie wanted to do a family session so we began planning and that brings us to today. On saturday I had the honor of taking these family photos for her family.

This was a fun shoot and despite the wheather trying to be stubborn and rain or have unruly winds we got the shoot done.

It was a joy to be able to capture so many special moments for the Lease family and to catch up on old times. I worked with Anne Marie several years ago and she always made my day when I got to see her. I meet the rest of her family a few times while working with her also. I am very thankful to all those whom I have had the pleasure of working with in my past and look forward to working with even more people in my future.

Here is just a few of the wonderful pictures we took. I have also entered one of them in a Father's Day photo contest.

This is the photo that was entered in the Rock My Edits Father's Day contest.
Voting starts on June 20th.

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