Friday, June 1, 2012

Rock My Photography Hit me with your best shot {photo contest}

I am so excited to announce that I am going to be entering in a photo contest. I have been so inspired by some of the photographers that are part of the followers at Rock My Photography I decided I needed to try this out. After all you never know until you try. I love photography so much and it truly makes me enjoy life. So I hope you will come over and join in the voting starting June 5th. I would really love to win!! It is a great prize that will help me continue to grow into the photographer I want to be.

This is a photo I took a few weeks ago of a wonderful women. She is a single mother of two wonderful little boys and recently she lost over 100 pounds. It was such a joy to be able to take her first family pictures since her weight loss. You can't see all of her in this photo but it does show what a remarkable mother she is. She actually has nicknamed this photo "Priceless". Hope you all enjoy the photo as much as I do.

Head on over June 5th and help me win!!! Vote, Vote, Vote!!! Thanks again to Rock My Photography for this awesome opportunity. :-)

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